Our logo goes beyond a visual representation; and embodied storytelling of organizational initiation, journey and vision. It is designed to portray HCD as a regional institution operating in the Horn of Africa (HoA) envisioning to nurture the culture of democracy including democratic governance, citizen participation, human rights, rule of law, and peace and security.

The Square Shape represents the principle of equality-equality of all states in the HoA region and the principle of non-discrimination and equality within democracy culture.

The Blocks with different shapes, sizes and colors inside the square symbolizes the varied contexts of the eight countries in the HoA region, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan and Uganda, as members of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).

The Black line crossing in the middle of the blocks is a geographical representation of the HoA region.

The Three Colors-Bold Blue , Sky Blue and Green represent colors from the eight state flags in the HoA region as describe above.

The Bold Blue placed at the center symbolizes creation of open space and freedom; one of HCD’s cardinal objectives. The blue starts at the left side of the square with a lighter shade and goes on becoming bold blue indicates the different levels of democracy growth in the region and a journey of nurturing democracy culture. This tells the story of HCD bringing together various actors to reach at the bold blue stage, i.e; well entrenched Democracy culture.