Our Work

Our Thematic Focus

HCD regards democracy as a process and an outcome encompassing the overall democratic structures, as articulated in the African Charter on Democracy, Elections, and Governance, including civic participation, good governance, human rights, the rule of law, accountability, and peace and security. Considering the holistic approach to the broader governance and democratisation challenges in the Horn, HCD plans to put in place the following programmatic areas that will be realized on a phase-by-phase basis: Democracy and democratic Governance; Inclusive Citizen participation; Human rights and the rule of law, peace and security; and civil society and media.

Our Program Pillars

Democracy and Governance
Human Right
Peace and Security
Citizen Participation
Rule of Law
Civil Society and Media

Our Initial Project Activities

Based on the above understanding, HCD has designed its first project proposal funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) Regional Africa Unit through the Institute for Security Studies (ISS). The project includes undertaking baseline studies and analysis to better understand the multiple regional factors affecting democratic development and inform the multi-year organizational strategy and program interventions in the Horn. These studies are:


A contextual analysis on the political, democratic, human rights and good governance situation in the HoA region. The contextual analysis will, among other things, identify emerging trends, opportunities, and threats to democracy and human rights in the region. Findings from the analysis will be used as input for the organisational strategic plan and intervention priorities.


A conflict sensitivity analysis of the region. Given the complex political, cultural, and ethnic realities of the region and the resultant formations of multiple fault lines, a good understanding of the conflict trends and triggering factors is key for the success of any intervention in the region. 


A mapping study of relevant regional organisations, think tanks, academic institutions, pro-democracy CSOs, networks and other civic formations in the Horn Region. The study will identify actors and possible areas of cooperation culminating in a stakeholder engagement strategy.                                                                                               



A gender analysis of the HoA region. Any subsequent intervention of the Center and its strategic plan and priorities shall be gender-sensitive, and this analysis will provide the necessary guide.                                                                                                                                                                                 


Area of focus

For HCD’s undertaking, the Horn of Africa/HoA region consists of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Uganda, as members of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) - the leading regional organisation in the Horn.