HCD Convenes Technical Validation for Two Studies

HCD Convenes Technical Validation for Two Studies

HCD had, on Feb. 06, 2024, a technical validation for two baseline studies back-to-back at the Best Western Plus Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The aim of the technical validations was to present the findings of the study to the relevant experts and stakeholders, to initiate discussions, and secure additional inputs to further enrich the studies.

The morning session was dedicated to the Exploratory Mapping Study on Pro-Democracy Actors in the Horn of Africa (HoA) region. Participants of the validation were thematic and research experts from partner organizations and stakeholders including, USAID-Ethiopia Civic Engagement Activity, International Republican Institute/IRI, and International Media Support/IMS-Fojo. Dr. Seife Ayalew, the consultant who conducted the study, made presentations based on the draft study report. The findings including the SWOT analysis and potential intervention areas were insightful for HCD and its partners. The session ended with a fruitful discussions and valuable inputs and feedback from the lead discussant Dr Solomon A. Dersso from Amani Africa and the participants.

Frew Demeke, the Executive Director, stressed that the study entrenches HCD’s priorities and areas of intervention, and will also culminate in to engagement strategy to work with the pro-democracy actors in the HoA region.

The validation continued in the afternoon session for the baseline Study of the Political, Democratic, Human Rights and Good Governance Context in the HoA Region. The participants of this validation session also included individual experts, researchers and partner organizations including National Democratic Institute/NDI, UNDP’s Regional Service Centre for Africa (RSCA), and Embassy of Denmark in Ethiopia. The consultants who worked on the study, Dr. Dereje Feyissa and Hallelujah Lulie presented key findings including snapshot from countries featured in the in-depth analysis. The presentations were followed by reflections and input by the lead discussant, Dr. Adem Kassie, a constitution building expert from International IDEA. The session continued with technical comments and suggestions from participants that could strengthen the study and at the same time inform HCD’s strategic priorities and focus areas.

In his closing remark, Frew Demeke extended appreciation for the participants role in providing the feedbacks and reiterated the significance of the studies to guide HCD in reflecting and aligning its strategy with the findings.